How to
How To Complete Your Tenant Profile : Key : A Positive Guide
Aug 5, 2001
Justinah Adeyanju

Completing your profile will let your future host know you as their future tenant.It also helps your future host verify that you are a student who is seriously invested in their listing.
There are 4 main steps to completing our profile: 1.Start by opening your profile page under Settings as shown below, and change your photo to a recent photo that shows your face and shoulders with minimal filter enhancements.
2.Update your personal information under the first tab labelled General.- Accurately fill in all your personal information, making sure your phone number is up-to date - Fill in your move-in information which will inform the hosts about your preferences (ex: have pets pets) 3.The second tab to complete is Contacts, shown below.This tab is where you will upload your references which we recommend completing early.
For your References, add at least 2 with their up-to-date contact information.We recommend asking either your employers, supervisors, coaches or coworkers to be your reference rather than a parent.
A Guarantor is recommended for first-time renters because of no past renting history.A parent or guardian is the recommended guarantor to assure hosts that if you can't pay, your parent or guardian will.4.You're almost done with your profile, once you add these required documents! The five documents you need are shown in the photo below: Your Proof of Enrolment, which you can generate in your school account.
A Background Check done by your local police.If you are an Edmonton resident, click here to begin your background check.Results may take up to 10 days to be sent to you so apply for your background check before you're even ready to begin applying.A Credit Report which the following banks provide: free RBC, Scotiabank, BMO and CIBC.Outside of these banks, you can sign up for free on Credit Karma to get a free credit report.A screenshot or the report are both acceptable to upload.
Your Proof of Employment can be one of a pay stub, job offer (e)mail or employment agreement.Your full name and the date should be visible on the form you choose.
Renter's Insurance is important to have because it protects your personal property against theft, fire, loss and much more.Get your free quote with Duuo or your bank and you're almost done.
The final step is to check off that your information is legally accurate, click Done, and your profile is now up to date!..
Completing your profile will let your future host know you as their future tenant.It also helps your future host verify that you are a student who is seriously invested in their listing.
There are 4 main steps to completing our profile: 1.Start by opening your profile page under Settings as shown below, and change your photo to a recent photo that shows your face and shoulders with minimal filter enhancements.
2.Update your personal information under the first tab labelled General.- Accurately fill in all your personal information, making sure your phone number is up-to date - Fill in your move-in information which will inform the hosts about your preferences (ex: have pets pets) 3.The second tab to complete is Contacts, shown below.This tab is where you will upload your references which we recommend completing early.
For your References, add at least 2 with their up-to-date contact information.We recommend asking either your employers, supervisors, coaches or coworkers to be your reference rather than a parent.
A Guarantor is recommended for first-time renters because of no past renting history.A parent or guardian is the recommended guarantor to assure hosts that if you can't pay, your parent or guardian will.4.You're almost done with your profile, once you add these required documents! The five documents you need are shown in the photo below: Your Proof of Enrolment, which you can generate in your school account.
A Background Check done by your local police.If you are an Edmonton resident, click here to begin your background check.Results may take up to 10 days to be sent to you so apply for your background check before you're even ready to begin applying.A Credit Report which the following banks provide: free RBC, Scotiabank, BMO and CIBC.Outside of these banks, you can sign up for free on Credit Karma to get a free credit report.A screenshot or the report are both acceptable to upload.
Your Proof of Employment can be one of a pay stub, job offer (e)mail or employment agreement.Your full name and the date should be visible on the form you choose.
Renter's Insurance is important to have because it protects your personal property against theft, fire, loss and much more.Get your free quote with Duuo or your bank and you're almost done.
The final step is to check off that your information is legally accurate, click Done, and your profile is now up to date!..
Completing your profile will let your future host know you as their future tenant.It also helps your future host verify that you are a student who is seriously invested in their listing.
There are 4 main steps to completing our profile: 1.Start by opening your profile page under Settings as shown below, and change your photo to a recent photo that shows your face and shoulders with minimal filter enhancements.
2.Update your personal information under the first tab labelled General.- Accurately fill in all your personal information, making sure your phone number is up-to date - Fill in your move-in information which will inform the hosts about your preferences (ex: have pets pets) 3.The second tab to complete is Contacts, shown below.This tab is where you will upload your references which we recommend completing early.
For your References, add at least 2 with their up-to-date contact information.We recommend asking either your employers, supervisors, coaches or coworkers to be your reference rather than a parent.
A Guarantor is recommended for first-time renters because of no past renting history.A parent or guardian is the recommended guarantor to assure hosts that if you can't pay, your parent or guardian will.4.You're almost done with your profile, once you add these required documents! The five documents you need are shown in the photo below: Your Proof of Enrolment, which you can generate in your school account.
A Background Check done by your local police.If you are an Edmonton resident, click here to begin your background check.Results may take up to 10 days to be sent to you so apply for your background check before you're even ready to begin applying.A Credit Report which the following banks provide: free RBC, Scotiabank, BMO and CIBC.Outside of these banks, you can sign up for free on Credit Karma to get a free credit report.A screenshot or the report are both acceptable to upload.
Your Proof of Employment can be one of a pay stub, job offer (e)mail or employment agreement.Your full name and the date should be visible on the form you choose.
Renter's Insurance is important to have because it protects your personal property against theft, fire, loss and much more.Get your free quote with Duuo or your bank and you're almost done.
The final step is to check off that your information is legally accurate, click Done, and your profile is now up to date!..