Tips and Resources

Moving Out for the First Time? Here's How to Crush It (and Keep Your Sanity)

May 30, 2023

Maurine Njunge

Embarking on the journey of living independently is an exciting step. Congratulations! However, navigating the world of 'adulting' comes with its own set of challenges. From missing family movie nights to managing your new responsibilities, here’s how you can smoothly transition into living on your own or with roommates.

  1. Budgeting Your Expenses 💸

    • Time to embrace budgeting. List all your expenses, including rent, groceries, subscriptions, and social activities. If finances are tight, consider part-time work or consult your school’s financial aid office. Remember, having roommates can ease the financial burden by sharing costs.

  2. Securing the Right Place 🏠

    • Start your hunt for the ideal place well in advance, ideally a month or more. Utilize online resources, campus boards, and personal networks. Focus on what’s important to you – be it location, rent, safety, or proximity to essentials like coffee shops.

  3. Managing Household Chores 🧹

    • If living with others, set up a fair chore rotation right from the start. Tools like shared calendars or apps can keep everyone accountable. Open communication is key to maintaining a harmonious living environment.

  4. Achieving Study-Life Balance 📚

    • Effective time management is critical. Create a realistic study schedule, but don’t forget to include downtime. Don’t hesitate to use your college’s resources if you need support in balancing your academic and personal life.

  5. Dealing with Homesickness 😢

    • It’s normal to miss home. Stay connected with loved ones through calls or texts. Simultaneously, immerse yourself in campus life to create a sense of belonging. And remember, most universities offer counseling services – they’re there for you.

Each student’s journey is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit your lifestyle and needs.

👉 Ready to explore off-campus living options? Click here to get started.

Embarking on the journey of living independently is an exciting step. Congratulations! However, navigating the world of 'adulting' comes with its own set of challenges. From missing family movie nights to managing your new responsibilities, here’s how you can smoothly transition into living on your own or with roommates.

  1. Budgeting Your Expenses 💸

    • Time to embrace budgeting. List all your expenses, including rent, groceries, subscriptions, and social activities. If finances are tight, consider part-time work or consult your school’s financial aid office. Remember, having roommates can ease the financial burden by sharing costs.

  2. Securing the Right Place 🏠

    • Start your hunt for the ideal place well in advance, ideally a month or more. Utilize online resources, campus boards, and personal networks. Focus on what’s important to you – be it location, rent, safety, or proximity to essentials like coffee shops.

  3. Managing Household Chores 🧹

    • If living with others, set up a fair chore rotation right from the start. Tools like shared calendars or apps can keep everyone accountable. Open communication is key to maintaining a harmonious living environment.

  4. Achieving Study-Life Balance 📚

    • Effective time management is critical. Create a realistic study schedule, but don’t forget to include downtime. Don’t hesitate to use your college’s resources if you need support in balancing your academic and personal life.

  5. Dealing with Homesickness 😢

    • It’s normal to miss home. Stay connected with loved ones through calls or texts. Simultaneously, immerse yourself in campus life to create a sense of belonging. And remember, most universities offer counseling services – they’re there for you.

Each student’s journey is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit your lifestyle and needs.

👉 Ready to explore off-campus living options? Click here to get started.

Embarking on the journey of living independently is an exciting step. Congratulations! However, navigating the world of 'adulting' comes with its own set of challenges. From missing family movie nights to managing your new responsibilities, here’s how you can smoothly transition into living on your own or with roommates.

  1. Budgeting Your Expenses 💸

    • Time to embrace budgeting. List all your expenses, including rent, groceries, subscriptions, and social activities. If finances are tight, consider part-time work or consult your school’s financial aid office. Remember, having roommates can ease the financial burden by sharing costs.

  2. Securing the Right Place 🏠

    • Start your hunt for the ideal place well in advance, ideally a month or more. Utilize online resources, campus boards, and personal networks. Focus on what’s important to you – be it location, rent, safety, or proximity to essentials like coffee shops.

  3. Managing Household Chores 🧹

    • If living with others, set up a fair chore rotation right from the start. Tools like shared calendars or apps can keep everyone accountable. Open communication is key to maintaining a harmonious living environment.

  4. Achieving Study-Life Balance 📚

    • Effective time management is critical. Create a realistic study schedule, but don’t forget to include downtime. Don’t hesitate to use your college’s resources if you need support in balancing your academic and personal life.

  5. Dealing with Homesickness 😢

    • It’s normal to miss home. Stay connected with loved ones through calls or texts. Simultaneously, immerse yourself in campus life to create a sense of belonging. And remember, most universities offer counseling services – they’re there for you.

Each student’s journey is unique, so adapt these strategies to suit your lifestyle and needs.

👉 Ready to explore off-campus living options? Click here to get started.